Thursday, October 20, 2016

Why Is Film Important To Me

When i was a little kid, i wasn't always the popular one. I had some friends but kids always viewed me as strange and weird. Being made fun of wasn't the greatest feeling in the world that is for sure. Once i got home from school, i'd come home to a jerk of a step father and i would have to deal with that too. It definitely affected me greatly and which led me to watch movies and TV shows. I'd get home and i would go straight to the TV. When i was little, i loved to watch cartoons and things that would make me laugh. Still to this day, i love anything that can make me laugh. Being bullied in school, then coming home to a emotionally abusing step father made me want to hide from the world and i didn't feel comfortable anywhere but inside the TV and my mom knew that. I loved it when my step dad would go away for business and me and my mom would watch old Mel Brooks films together and laugh together. We still to this day quote movies and laugh at stupid jokes. She knew what made me happy and she knew that laughter and film was something I needed to keep me going. Without her support and love for comedy, I don't know where i'd be.

Film is important not just for me but for others because it connects people. It connects families, friends, and even strangers. Every film has a purpose and can touch anyone in many different ways. I know that without comedy film, I wouldn't be here writing this blog. Films has connected me with many of my friends, my brother, and especially my mom. Film has changed my life and I pray one day, I can work on a film that will impact someone just like me.
Image result for vintage film camera

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