Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Worst Day of My Life

I remember this day, three years ago. On this day in 2013 it was a cold Sunday. Dreary and wet, I was going to the race track. I had only been racing for two years at that point, but I was extremely passionate still. A friend of mine who is a race car driver as well invited us to the track to watch him compete in his final race if that season.

After many exciting laps, a car got loose and went sailing up the racetrack, right into the side of my friend's door. After watching his motionless body in the car for what seemed to be an eternity, we finally saw him reach up and pull the window net down.

I went home to get ready for church and caught the tail end of the NASCAR race, where my favorite driver won for the only time that season, and then were off to our Sunday night youth service. It was there that I got my heart broken for the first time.

That was one of the worst days of my life, but it reminded me that through my struggles, God is always in control. Through our good days and bad, He will never leave us or forsake us, even when we leave Him.

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