Every time I re-watch Prince of
Egypt, I am reminded of how amazing this film is. A group of us decided to watch
it in the lounge not to long ago and almost every time someone came in, they
stayed to watch a little some of it or comment on how good of a movie it is.

Although I enjoyed this movie as a child, I couldn’t fully appreciate
how beautiful this film is. Between the imagery and the music, I am taken away
and fully entertained by the story. Even before the plagues take place in the
film, the visuals are great and the music is inviting you into the word of
ancient Egypt.

It was fantastic to see the interaction between Moses and
Ramses as young men, and to hear about the trouble they got each other in and
out of. As well as seeing them mature into men in opposing situations. The song
being sung while Moses is living in the desert up tile he marries Zipporah is
one of my all-time favorite songs in a movie. As the plagues show up and Moses
and Ramses are forced to bud heads is when the movie steps up its game. How the
artist depicted the plagues is absolutely amazing and is enough of a reason to
see the movie in itself.

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