Thursday, October 27, 2016

A feather tale - How I felt after watching

A vulnerable person ( a girl in this case) being picked apart by the partner and worn down until naked and nothing to cover  her body. Everything of worth being taken by the greedy partner until it all is his and nothing is really hers. Now I have never experienced an abusive relationship, at least to this degree, but I can have sympathy for this woman. In the beginning I had just thought that both of them where long distance lovers or something, that they both where sad about the distance between them. I also thought that we was getting into a car to go see her to make the woman feel happy again. But everything changed - when the fir nation attacked- at the dreaded chicken scene. The turn when I started to understand that this was not a favorable relationship was when he started to pluck off the woman's feathers. I think that my emotion of disgust must have been on my face because I got a couple of glances my way. I just felt sick to my stomach at that scene and wanted to go help the poor lady.  I can not stand that people would want to do that to each other.

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