Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hamilton: An American Musical

For all of you who are not caught up in the phenomenon that is Hamilton, it is time to pull you all in. Hamilton is a musical about First Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, I know it's kind of out there, but in this idea there is true brilliance. It's a story about the American revolution and all those involved, and within that story we find layers of meaning and history that we may not think about. I remember being taught American history in 8th grade, but I was never really interested until I got a glimpse of what this musical was about. Hamilton presents a story of love, loss, rivalry, and the American dream is presented through the lens of hip hop which is used to show the urgency of Alexander Hamilton during his time. The show is theatre brilliance in it's highest form. The following behind it is well earned as it has produced a documentary about it, several Tony awards, and a best selling soundtrack that has brought back people to the theatre for an excellent reason. As a theatre geek, it makes me incredibly happy to be able to see people bringing interest back to the theatre in such a spectacular way. There is an incredible amount of subtext to dig through within the songs, and all it takes is a listen. If you have the chance, you should not throw away your shot, and listen to one of the greatest musicals of all time.

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