Saturday, October 29, 2016

War Never Changes

Battlefield 1 is the newest first person shooter on the market. Unlike most of the other titles though, it revisits a time in history soaked in blood and death: World War 1. Of course, the challenge for the developers is making a game that both captures the horrible essence of the first world war, and also making a game that is fun to play. Although there has been some criticism that it is “too fun”, I believe that the game manages to convey some of the weightiness of World War 1 while still remaining an entertaining game, at least in the beginning of the single player campaign.

The start of the campaign involves the player switching from soldier to soldier as they die, with their birth and death dates appearing on the screen. It does a good job of conveying the seriousness of death, and the amount of casualties that occurred during this war. The multiplayer doesn’t do this, for balance reasons, but the atmosphere is still so much more chaotic than any other first person shooter that I feel it does a good job of accurately showing what the battlefield during that time period felt like. War is hell, war was hell, and war will always be hell. It’s not something to glorify, but if video games can get a message about it across, I’m all for it.

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