Star Wars: Rebels, is a story based between episodes 6 and 8. The plot is based around Ezra Bridger, a young boy who gets caught up in the rebellion when he meets a group of rebels whose leader is a Jedi. The story itself is kind of hit and miss, but I feel like it really brings back some of the core elements that Star Wars that maybe it had lost through time. It's of course about the fight between good and evil, but it also brings to a light a story about finding a home in family anywhere. Ezra's parents were taken by Empire which left Ezra alone to fend for himself, stealing enough for him to survive. In finding the the group of rebels, he not only finds a cause to fight for, but people to fight for. The show itself is not exactly meant to be deeply meaningful, but I feel as though there is a deep sense of family within a cause. For example, I find family within the Christian community because we are all united in Jesus' cause towards peace and love, and the same can be said for Ezra. Though he may be left without a family, he finds family within a greater cause and that is fulfilling in the greatest of ways. With all the new Star Wars content being presented, it's nice to see a different take from before.
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