Monday, October 24, 2016

"Guild Grumps" Reviewish

(Spoilers as Always)
Guild Grumps is a show starring the five main grumps at the time of its airing. One of the Game Grumps, Ross forces the other four grumps to play World of Warcraft. Each of them starts off at level 90 and must reach level 100 in the span of five days. Those who do get $1000 dollars donated in their name to charity and those who don’t get $500 dollars donated and the other $500 split up between those who did reach level 100.

The series is very different than the other Game Grumps series as it focuses more on the relationships and lives between the grumps. Instead of the usual 10-15 minute episodes, the show’s five episodes are about 30 minutes each. A longer runtime gives more room for the grumps to talk in a real-world environment. We see the grumps be emotional and argue. They aren’t just best friends all the time, here they get to show how their large friendship works in real life. In the end their arguing doesn’t make them rethink their friendships, in fact all of it helps them grow closer to each other. Real friends fight over small stupid things, because they’re the ones who care enough about those small stupid things.

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