Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"Un Jour” by Marie Paccou

The film "Un Jour" by Marie Paccou had a much deeper meaning than I thought it did the first time I saw it. The first time I was really confused as to why the woman had a man in her stomach. I was also confused as to why one woman's man was mean and hers was nice, as well as why the man just left one day and it left the woman with a hole in her stomach. The second time I watched it looking for the deeper meaning and knowing a little bit of background from watching other videos in class, I learned that it was about relationships. The lady with a mean man was stuck in an abusive relationship that she couldn’t get out of. He dragged her down, made her feel like she couldn’t leave. The main character was in a healthy relationship. She liked her man. He made her feel whole, she loved him. But, eventually, the man left her and he left her with a giant whole in her stomach. The man left her feeling empty. She didn’t just have a whole in her stomach, but in her life. The animator was trying to portray that she feels like this is how real life works.

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