Thursday, October 27, 2016

Women in the Media Industry

Too many emotions and too much care are something easily associated with women. We are not expected to be serious and take control of a situation. We are thought of as weak and insecure to the point where men will assume we are clingy and annoying.

Media portrays women as either too fat or too skinny. We are pushed to conform to the social norm of wearing makeup instead of showing our natural beauty. It is because of this that the mindset of young girls has changed to wear they believe that is a requirement in order to be liked by anyone.

Only women understand the construction of other women. We are the only ones who can portray to the media how things should actually be. Makeup is not a social norm; it doesn't matter what your body shape or build is. None of that matters because, what the media doesn't tell you is, you are beautiful just the way you are. Your freckles, your hair, your eyes, your smile, your body, your mind, everything about you is beautiful and God only made one you.

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