Saturday, October 29, 2016

Revelation of Narnia


              Earlier this semester, we talked a little about The Chronicles of Narnia, and then Leeper had us raise our hands if we had ever seen the movie(s) and then who had read the book(s).  If you are reading this and don’t recall this ever happening, it’s because it was a long time ago.  I’m just (very) late to blogging about this. 

            One of the things that I always do is come up on movies before I even knew there was a book about it.  The reason being, I watch movies, I don’t read. Anyway, the first Chronicles of Narnia movie I saw was the first one that came out, which was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I didn’t find out that this wasn’t the first book until years later.  (I never read the books by the way). 

                                      Side note: I didn’t even know CS Lewis wrote the books.

            Back to why I’m writing this blog.  We were talking about the Christian connection to Narnia and one thing that was brought up in the discussion in class was that Aslan was portrayed as God.  This struck me, as when I first saw that movie, I wasn’t a Christian.  This was in like 2006.  I used to be obsessed with that movie.  I made shields and armor and dressed up in the stuff and everything.  It used to be my favorite movie.  The reason it struck me that this comparison was made was because looking back on it, it’s so true!

            The first thing that came to my mind was after they “crucified” Aslan in the film, later on Aslan shows up brand new again and I just remember the scene where he’s on top of some hill and there’s this bright golden light shining behind this mighty Lion that has somehow come back to life.

            I find it so interesting that I missed this, and at the same time, since I wasn’t a Christian in 2006, why would I make that connection?  But at the same time, being a Christian today, you can’t deny what a connection that is.

            So just thought I’d share an interesting bit of information that stuck with me from one of our discussions in class.

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