Sunday, October 23, 2016


Inside is a game with a deep meaning. You play as a young kid running through a dark forest, but something is strange. For some reason, people are chasing after him. Though he manages to get away several times, it only gets weurder. The boy discovers a device to control unexpected mindless people and finds out that there are people using these mindless people for an unknown reason. While the boy is escaping after pretending to be a mindless person, he steals a submarine to find a vicious young female swimming through the water. Later, he discovers the area where these creatures were created-- in water-- where people are siteseeing like at an equirium. There, inside the water, is a floating blob of flesh and limbs. As the boy, you free the monster, then you-- as the player-- take control of it to destroy the area and escape to its inevitable death. The game then ends right after.
The game is possibly telling a story about these "Subhumans" (made from the blob) that are used as slaves and zoo animals. In the end, the blob tries to escape to sea, but (possibly) dies when it escaped, but at least it is free. It could be a metaphor for what is "inside" your mind and that it can be brought to inner peace or about man's quest for power and self-satisfaction no matter the way the get it.
 The ending felt so anticlimactic; I have to admit.

Image result for inside game

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