I am guilty of pusillanimity, and I am afraid that a lot people in this class are guilty of pusillanimity as well. I recently learned this term in my philosophy class, and the word itself means "smallness of soul." Pusillanimity is a vice discovered by Thomas Aquinas a long, long time ago. People afflicted by this vice shrink back from all that God has called them to be. Sometimes God puts missions or ideas in our minds and hearts that seem to be too difficult to achieve, and we decide it is best to reject God because of our fear of falling short or pure embarrassment. The pusillanimous people rely on their own tiny powers and fear failure on the daily. Here's a newsflash, God has more power than anyone could ever imagine. If God wants something completed, I promise he could be able to find a way to get it done. Instead of turning our backs in fear, we need to trust that God will equip us for any kind of work that he puts on our hearts. He would never put a task on our hearts if He could not equip us to complete it. This vice is probably the main one that holds me back the most. I have big dreams and I have dreams that I believe God has put on my heart. Our biggest problem is that we see all that could go wrong with our dream, so we decide to stick to the norm and coast through life. God calls us to be bold. Proverbs 28:1 states, "The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." What is the point of missing an opportunity to further the Kingdom of God when we know that God will walk through it with us and be with us through the battles we face? Pusillanimity is for the weak.
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