Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Dream

When I was a freshman in high school, if you would’ve told me that I was going to go to Huntington University and I was going to study Broadcasting, I would’ve laughed at you and walked away.  I always thought that I was going to go to Taylor University and study Criminology and eventually be a Police Officer.  I never knew that my dream would change a year later. 

        During my sophomore year, one of my friends that graduated when I was a freshman asked me if I wanted to work for this website called and commentate basketball and football games for Norwell High School (the high school that I graduated from).  I thought he was crazy because I wanted to be in the student section.  I ended up giving it a try and I loved it!  When basketball season started, random people were coming up to me and telling me that I was doing a great job commentating and I was shocked!  I found a new passion at that moment.  The people that surrounded me at Norwell always encouraged me to keep with commentating and because of them, I am here at Huntington University.  They have shown me what I truly want to do and that is be a sports broadcaster.

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