Monday, October 31, 2016

Comic Book Accuracy

I am a big fan of comics. From a young age, I was interested in the different art styles found in comics and the humor and seriousness in tone that could be found. So, when TV shows or films are produced based on them, I can’t help but be excited. One thing that is always a hassle though when it comes to recreating scenes from comics, is the accuracy.

I’ll get this right off the bat, I care up to a point about the lengths they go to be comic book accurate. Like all scenes in media there are moments that are good but changing them up can increase the emotions you get from it, like in the Walking Dead when a kill or two is made but in a very different way than in the original comics. Some details should be cut out though, like in Man of Steel how Superman now longer sports his bright red briefs. In the comics, pre-52, it’s fine, it’s part of his history and in drawings don’t seem off. In the real world it would be kind of hard for us to take someone seriously who dressed like that. Comic book accuracy is fine and good, but sometimes changes are made for the better.

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