Thursday, October 27, 2016

Women in Animation: Rebecca Sugar

Before we finish with our discussion on women in animation, I would like to highlight Rebecca Sugar. As I've mentioned on this blog before, I love the show Steven Universe. This show is inspirational, beautiful, and wonderfully made. None of that would be possible, though, without the tireless work of Rebecca Sugar.

For those who don't know, Rebecca Sugar is the creator of Steven Universe. When the show first went on the air in 2012, Rebecca became the first ever female to create a show for Cartoon Network. Before her, no woman had made a show by herself for the network. For an industry that was incredibly male dominated, this was a huge breakthrough.

Besides simply creating a show, she has brought up many important issues in both Steven Universe and Adventure Time, a show that she worked on as a writer for some years. Through both of these shows, she has discussed hard topics such as abandonment, lesbianism, and self-deprecation. Because of her work in bringing up these controversial issues, children's television has skewed away from being lighthearted and silly. Instead, many cartoons now work to be funny yet deep in some way. Personally, I think this is a great change.

So, let's give it up to Rebecca Sugar. She has paved a way for females to have a much bigger hand in mainstream animation than ever before. I wouldn't be surprised if more shows with female creators started popping up in the near future.

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