Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Weird People

I have an undying love for people who are weird. There are many different kinds of weird out in the world, I know, and I can appreciate most kinds, mainly the kinds that don't hurt anything or anyone. It's pretty cool finding someone with a type of weird that's compatible with yours, especially when you're an artist. From personal experience, it's totally draining to not have anyone in your life that doesn't have similar quirks or quirks that work in tandem with yours.

I love making friends with visual artists, writers, actors, musicians... the creative types, really. Yep, I'm biased, but one often gravitates to those with similar interests. And before any smart aleck says it, I know one of you is thinking it, I do love all my friends no matter what. Anyway, talking with other creative types is so inspiring and motivating. It's also really cool to hear their ideas as well.

Even when listening to music or looking at artwork, it's like communicating with the creator. Music is a major driving force in my art, and I've created anything from a small pen doodle to a 21 chapter science fiction story based on a song or even an album.

Creative people encourage creativity, and it is oftentimes weird, but that's okay. Weird people are the best.
Seppul Vido: a character from the planned sequel to the aforementioned sci-fi story.
He has robotic arms!

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