The next issue is abortion, Hillary feels and has always felt that a woman has the right to choice and that it is her body, she also stressed the difficulty of that choice. Where Donald feels that we should defund Planned Parenthood and discourage abortion because he thinks its a living human in the womb. I feel life is sacred and you have to own up to the decisions you make good or bad and the woman should only abort the baby if she was going to die. In cases of rape tell someone(I understand this is difficult) and take Plan B as soon as possible, which to me is different the actual procedure of getting an abortion.
Then on Immigration Donald Trump want to build a wall and kick all the illegal immigrants out and then give them a path to citizenship. Hillary want to keep them here and give them amnesty and strengthen boarder security. I think we need to keep the immigrants here because they might die if you send them back with the Mexican gangs and the people in the middle east will be going back to ISIS where they might die, the system of becoming a citizen needs fixed severely, it takes way too long.
Then the final one I want to talk about is the economy, Hillary talks about taxing the top people who make more than $250,000 a year and give us free college tuition and having them pay their fair share. Donald Trump talks about giving them huge breaks and trickle down economics and working from the top down. I am very strong on economic issues I think trickle down economics is a sham to make the wealthy more wealthy, and to kick the lower class people to the side, its time the people at the top pay their fair share!
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