The Slayers is an animated series about two adventurers, Lina and Gourry. The two met while traveling the roads of a mystical fantasy land where they are met with bandits. Then we begin to find the comedic commentary of the show. The two, after defeating the bandits, find themselves self monologing at each other. Then after resolving to adventure together, the rest of their story began. This show was made in the 80's and at the time it was really progressive for it's story telling, and it's subtle commentary on anime style and culture. Inner monologues were something that was used entirely too much during animes at the time, and The Slayers poked great fun at the stereotypes of the genre. The main character Lina, is a beautiful sorceress who is the quintessential anime character in the way that she is drawn and how she acts. Lina is very full of herself and wears long flowing gowns and is adorned with magical jewelry. Then within the first episode we see how Gourry and Lina work with each other. They are both so vulnerable to each other because Gourry only sees her as a child, but still respects her as a woman, and Lina likes Gourry but does not act on it. So far it is a very progressive anime for it's age and it's worth a watch if you are interested in fantasy/comedy anime.
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