The next installment in the Star Wars universe had a hard reputation to try to correct, whether rightly or wrongly so.
Listening to reviews and critics and fans alike, Lucas changed the style of the movie to be a more action-focused one. There is no debate. Also, Lucas gave Jar Jar way less screen time, something that critics never seem to point out. Anakin has grown up and matured, but Padme looks as though she's only aged a few years. From here their romantic relationship blossoms as Anakin is sent with her to Naboo.
While all of this is going on, Obi-Wan is hunting for an assassin that killed a lead that he and Anakin had. Obi-Wan uses some of the same evasive techniques used in the original series as a nice little callback, and that earns brownie points for me. In The Force Awakens, there is ANOTHER DEATH STAR. When I was watching it in theaters I groaned out loud in the theater. There are callbacks, and then there are overly sized planetary bodies that are pretty much the exact same thing as the original trilogy. For me, that's trying too hard to play off of past movies success. Small evasion tactics that can largely go unnoticed aren't too much for me.
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