I really don't consider myself to be a Star Wars nerd, but I'm realizing that I've been raised on it more and more now and that it was one of the most enjoyable parts of my childhood.
I remember that I was in the first or second grade when Revenge of the Sith came out. At the time, I had a friend who asked me if I had seen it yet. I asked my parents if I could, but they told me it was too dark and that I couldn't watch it yet.
Despite what the critics say, I think the tradition from light to dark and the seeming destruction of a prophecy was done exceptionally well.
Think of this; by the end of the prequels, we needed to have a story told about the beginnings of Darth Vader, we needed to see the referenced "Clone Wars" that Luke's father so valiantly fought in, and we had to better understand how the Empire became what it was.
Look me in the eye and tell me the prequels didn't do those things well.
Anyways, Anakin begins as an innocent boy with a single mother and no father. He leads a simple life, much like his son will eventually, and doesn't know much of the Jedi.
All of that changes when Jedi arrive at his house and tell him that they need some help.
After losing his mother and being told that he should not fear her and needs to let go of her, he becomes angry, but has to hide his love and mourning deep down inside.
When he falls in love with Padme (not too creepily), they can't make their love known because it is against everything that Anakin is being trained in.
When he returns from the Clone Wars and finds out that she is pregnant, they now have twins when he shouldn't even have feelings for her in the first place. Then, Darth Sidious tempts Anakin with power and he is corrupted out of his insecurities and love of Padme, already having lost his mother, and having the ability to have power.
The Jedi order had always hid information about the dark side of the force, and it is their fault that Anakin lacks the mental ability to be able to spy on the Chancellor effectively and is ultimately a traitor to the Jedi Order.
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