Sunday, December 11, 2016

Paper Mario's Perfect Lemons!

                 Paper Mario has always been one of the most creative game series in the Nintendo line-up, but their newest title takes it to a whole new level. With the kingdom having had all its color taken away by bowser, Mario must repaint the world, or something. I honestly haven't played it yet, but one thing I can say for sure is that the animations and art style is the best Nintendo has to offer. With attacks ranging from lemons squeezing juice into the enemies eyes to blind them, to a good fortune cat charm from Japan crushing them, to a giant fan blowing them out of the solar system. Not only are they creative they are simply beautiful. I remember the announce trailer only had the lemon attack and I rewatched it 100 times trying to figure out how they made the lemons look so realistic. I was honestly speechless for some reason. The paper characters in extremely high res 3d modeled rooms also adds to the paper effect in a hard contrast type of way if you know what I mean. Since they have released all the finishing card attacks and they all look just as impressive, some even more so. I'm just trying to say this game is both insanely creative and visually beautiful.

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