I recently saw the trailer of the upcoming summer hit of Baywatch. The movie was starring Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, and many more to cast as the stars of Baywatch. As far as the history of Bay watch I have never seen the original but know that it is a classical hit. Being a California native I understand the whole by the water scene and being from a nice area like Southern California. The movie stars Dwayne Johnson who plays as the head lifeguard of his team. With conflict seem to be arising about a local resident along the water Johnson seems interested in finding out what the deal is with his house and why it is bringing such brutality to the beach he oversees. Through the trailer I could tell through a few scenes that the movie might be a little cheesy but is probably worth the watch. My entire life I've been a Dwayne Johnson fan, from his wrestling days fighting in the WWF to his acting days now in Hollywood. This comedy seems to be a hit with a lot of advertisement behind how funny it should be. So I want my moneys worth because this summer I'll be headed to the movies to watch this comedy.
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