Sunday, December 11, 2016

Internet Exhaustion


  Have you ever felt exhausted after using the internet for a while? Using the internet is passive, right? You just sit back and let it entertain you. Scrolling down an endless page for hours on end, whether that be Facebook, Instagram, or any other form of social media. Sometimes having ads and endless content constantly thrown at you can being to feeling draining. Your thoughts start to feel clouded and your thoughts seem to move on their own. By then you start questioning your own success, comparing your life with the lives of these "successful" people that seem to be everywhere. You start changing your own personal definition of success after a while, imagining what it would be like if you had a life like theirs. Being able to do the things they do and having the wonderful friends that they have and you don't. Somehow feeling jealous, but never really caring too much for them, being overwhelmed by the seemingly vast amount of "them" who seem to be out there. Then you see that ones who seem to worship those who are higher up the chain, having a false sense of security in their perceived talents. Then putting down their own talents, simply on the fact that they don't have the same mind as the one who they consider successful.

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