"My Dad is a Liar" is a commercial for Metropolitan Life Insurance, but when you watch it, it feels more like a short film. A father and daughter are walking home after school and the daughter gives the father a paper that she wrote about him. It starts off light, with the daughter telling of how her dad is the sweetest, smartest, handsomest, and funniest daddy in the world. He's her superhero. However, it suddenly takes a dramatic turn when the daughter goes to calling him a liar. To what he lies about, is about how they are in a stable situation, but the truth is that he doesn't have a stable job and therefore is not making enough money to provide for the both of them. What makes this commercial so powerful though is that the reason why he had lied was for his daughters own happiness. The daughter understands this and thus it brings the father to tears. This commercial really sets it apart from your basic commercial, as when an average commercial comes on the TV you don't really pay much attention to it. However, when a commercial like this comes on, it captures your attention more and when it breaks it you that this was a commercial and not just a short film, it becomes quite surprising. It brings your attention to the life insurance though, which in turn makes you more likely to consider obtaining it. It's a very powerful and emotional marketing tactic that gets the viewer to feel obligated to purchase at what they are marketing at easier.
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