I didn't play much video games as a kid, but I started out on an old Gameboy Pocket which was a Christmas gift from my older brother, Eliot. That passed down Gameboy was a huge hit with me. My brother included some classics like Tetris, Super Mario Land, Star Wars, Sweep the Alleyway, and Wave Runner, among a couple of others. These were my introduction to gaming. Image result for Gameboy pocket
![Image result for gameboy pocket](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/Game-Boy-Pocket-Black.jpg/150px-Game-Boy-Pocket-Black.jpg)
![Image result for gameboy pocket](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/Game-Boy-Pocket-Black.jpg/150px-Game-Boy-Pocket-Black.jpg)
I eventually graduated to a red Gameboy Advance SP, probably one of the biggest birthday gifts I ever received from my parents in terms of excitement. The first game for the Gameboy Advance was Mario Party Advance; I put a good amount of hours into that game. My favorites, however, were Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland, and Lego Star Wars. Those gave me some good times.
![Image result for gameboy sp](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41WXX6GQR5L.jpg)
My third gaming system was a silver Nintendo DS Lite. This was huge for me! The DS was, if not the first, one of the first, large purchases I had ever made with my own money. On top of that, I got a cool silver one, which none of my friends had and I had never seen before. Mario Cart was a pretty big hit on the DS because you could play multiplayer races with your friends over wireless connection, and you didn't even have to own the game to do it! I didn't ever own the game, but as long as one person did, we could all race together.
![Image result for nintendo ds lite silver](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41GAxpX5fPL.jpg)
I remember playing these classic games when I was younger, esepecially tetris and Mario cart, I can relate to this.