Sunday, December 11, 2016

Intro to DMA Flashback Part. 1

Through the semester in Intro to DMA their were a few films and lectures that stood out to me the most. One film we watched one morning that really had me give a good flashback to my childhood was Geri's game. This film had me go back to a moment as if I were in my childhood game. When the film was shown in class I remembered right away that I used to watch that short film pop up in a few Pixar VHS movies I used to own. As a kid I would constantly see the film come up and just be so amused by it that it would always give me a good laugh. What was even more amusing about it was the fact that as a kid you don't understand what is going on but still found it funny.  What I like most about the game is, Geri, the old man was just looking for a game of chess. He couldn't find one after a long period of time so he said screw it, I'll play myself. He continuously kept playing the role of both sides and would even play it off through his face expressions that he was surprised by the moves the other opponent was putting on him, but in reality it was just himself. Geri's game is definitely a classic for kids and even though being a short film.

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