Sunday, December 11, 2016

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts branches the fantasy elements of final fantasy and the creative genius in Disney in so many wonderful ways.

The engaging story that is presented is able to bring in all sorts of demographics due to the nature of the game, and for that reason I believe that it is a game that has had a long lasting effect on society. Sure, Disney now is a incredible corporation that now owns many of our favorite characters, but back then this was quite a stretch for them. They decided to take a leap with an idea for a game that would possibly have success, but it was not entirely sure.

Kingdom Hearts became a smash hit when it released and was praised widely by it's audience. All of the aspects that were mentioned before were combined with new game features and a superb story that really pulls the heart strings of Final Fantasy fans and Disney fans alike.

We have not seen many cross overs like this in a long while and I feel like this is what should happen more often. There are so many worlds we could share and explore by combining them or at least bringing up ideas from two different companies. Kingdom Hearts is a game that will remain a great part of my childhood, and I can't wait for the next one.

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