Sunday, December 11, 2016

Social Media Takeover

Through the course of this semester I've been able to understand the takeover that the social media scheme takeover is effecting schoolwork. I've been even affected by the takeover at times but its a topic I'd like to discuss. Throughout classes not only this year but of previous years of college I was able to see the impact social media is taking on students. The want of wanting to use your phone in class just to look at social media because you don't want to listen to some boring lecture by your professor. It has become a great effect not only in the classroom but throughout the everyday lives of some people. I walk through the halls of the dorms and see fellow peers in their rooms sitting down not doing a single thing. Mainly what they'll be doing is swiping up and down on their social media feeds constantly for long period of times allowing hours of the day to just breeze right by when work could be getting done instead. Its ludicrous to see the impact it has on some of the kids nowadays. Don't get me wrong I myself have been one to argue because I have done it myself at one point in my life but I've managed to just ignore it majority of my time. It becomes old and you realize its also a waste of time to even be on there. All it is about gossip, someone posting something about what they may be doing at that particular time of the day, like big WHOOP! Social Media has definitely become a takeover for kids and all I have to say is at some point if your one that gets caught up with it 24/7, its time for a reality check.

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