Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pacific Rim Part 3 - Coby Solms

Without his brother, Raleigh is tasked with helping to find a replacement. However, during a training and reflex exercise, Raleigh is a little incensed when Mako keeps calling him out regarding the number of moves to take down his opponent. Inquiring why she is being so vocal, she responds that he could have taken down his opponents with a shorter amount of moves. After winning approval from Pentecost, Raleigh spars with her, and is amazed at her prowess. He proclaims that she should help him co-pilot Gypsy Danger, but Pentecost refuses. At the last minute, Mako is given permission. A test-run of Gypsy Danger within the Shatterdome appears to be going well, until during the Drift session, Mako gets locked into a tragic memory, and almost sets off the Jaeger's plasma cannon within the dome. When Mako was a child, she lost her family to a Kaiju attack in Tokyo, Japan. Just when it seemed the creature was going to kill her, a Jaeger was deployed that stopped it. The pilot of the Jaeger was Pentecost himself who is revealed to be able to pilot a Jaeger by himself. Even with her becoming unfocused in the drift, Raleigh still wants Mako as his partner, but is again rebuffed by Pentecost. Meanwhile, Dr. Geiszler has hooked up a crude connection machine, and hooks into the Kaiju brain in his lab. Geiszler reports to Pentecost and his men that the link allowed him a glimpse into the other side of the portal. Geiszler had theorized that based on some Kaiju samples, that what they were seeing coming through were cloned creatures, and his drift vision appears to corroborate the theory. Unfortunately, the Kaiju brain has been damaged, and Geiszler needs a fresher brain in order to learn more. Pentecost gives him a small card, and sends him to Hong Kong to look for a man named Hannibal Chau. Geiszler heads to Hong Kong where he finds Chau. Chau is a dealer in Kaiju remains, collecting them from battle sites and dealing them on the black market. Chau reveals that he'd also drifted with a Kaiju brain and the result was permanent injury to his left eye and the danger that the aliens can send any Kaiju to find him in the city. Shortly after their discussion, two Category 4 Kaijus surface near Hong Kong. Pentecost sends out the Crimson Typhoon and the Cherno Alpha to fight the Kaiju, with Striker Eureka as backup to protect the City's coastline.

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