Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Alright so now that I have your full undivided attention:

I know this is late and we are done with both animation and music videos, but I had to do a blog on two of my favorite music videos. Both are by the Social Club Misfits (I know I haven't finished my series on their EP yet. I'll get to it.) Any way the songs these music videos are for are "Bad Advice" and "Marriage Goals". Both songs and both music videos make me laugh every time I see them or hear them.When I listen to these songs I see me. I see myself in Marty's lyrics most of all. He's awkward, funny, loves Jesus, and knows that if he doesn't put any of these things into his lyrics he's not doing his job.

Bad Advice:

This first video by Marty and Fern is a throw back to the good ole days when 8 bit video games were cool. Even if you don't listen to the song you notice things: the 8 bit Jesus flipping a table, Marty dancing at the disco, The 8-bit Chewie standing up in the convertible. The reason I love this video is because of the references to pop culture and their previous works (Paisano's Wylin').

Bad Advice (Above) and Paisano's Wylin' Below

Marriage Goals:
Now Marriage Goals is equally as awesome as Bad Advice. It is still animated but not in 8-bit format. This time it's more of a anime style. It is still funny, because that's who Marty is.  I don't think it looks like it took forever to make. Which might be the reason the animator did it that way.

Anyway, I love these animated music videos. As far as the music goes, I already did a blog post on "Marriage Goals", you can check that out under my label.

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