Thursday, November 3, 2016

Brent Hardy-Quiz 2

The movie I am doing is Feather Tale by Michele Corneye. This film showed a woman being used and manipulated by a man he touched her like she was just an object. He also took advantage of her humble insecure nature. This was a great depiction because the man in the film plucked her feathers which is an amazing metaphor for peeling off the layers of a woman's soul and body by objectifying her and using her. Which ties in perfect with the reading that takes about a time when feminism and woman started to get a place in normal society or in other words a mans world. That time was the seventies and eighties where a woman would give you something and it would just get laughed away. So you know they were fighting an up hill and still are today because of our ingrained stereotypes. The reading talked about woman in the animation industry and how they were never ready to take on the tasks that men had been doing for years. There was a consent that this was a problem and that the patriarchal and misogynistic attitude has went on way too long. In response most woman only really got "curtesy" not necessarily a serious position. So while we still have come a ways woman have a long way to go, we do have still have woman like Carole Holliday. She is not only a woman but she is a black woman who has work on anything from The Little Mermaid to the Prince of Egypt. Woman have come quite a ways but they still have a long way to go.

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