Thursday, November 17, 2016

Till the Day I Die by TobyMac

            One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is to just jam out to music in my room with my roommate and friend.  One of my favorite songs is Till the Day I Die, written by TobyMac, and includes NF, a wrapper.  TobyMac and Diverse City band is amazing and I have been to about six of their concerts and sang my lungs out.  His songs may seem like just normal hip hop, but I love the meaning behind all the words that he sings.  He is a great Christian artist and I never get bored listening to him.
            Till the Day I Die uses great words to convey the deeper meaning of this fantastic song.  He quotes, “And if I can’t walk , then I’m crawlin’.  It might flicker but they can’t kill the flame.”  He says this to show that even when his faith is wavering or getting hard, he will never stop believing in God until the day he dies.  In the pre-chorus, he says, “I can’t stop/I can’t quit/It’s in my heart/It’s on my lips.”  He says this because he has been asked about retiring and says that he can’t quit because he has more he wants to speak about.  The chorus says, “ Till the wheels fall off/ Till the Spotlight fades/ I will lift your banner high/ I will lift your banner high/ And til the walls crash in/ For the rest of my days/ I’ll lay it all on the line/ Til the day I/ Til the day I die/ Til the end of the line/ Til the day/ Til the day I die/ It’s your name I’ll glorify.”  TobyMac is pretty much saying that no matter what happens to him throughout his life journey, he will be all in for Jesus and glorify God until the day that he dies.  I love this chorus because it shows how we should be acting. 
            The wrap part by NF at the end of the song is literally one of my favorite parts in any song ever made.  It’s so “hype”, I know all of the words, and it has great meaning.  NF is known for speaking the truth and being blunt about it, so his part in the song is not easy to take in if you would qualify as being a lazy Christian.  To summarize it, he says that we can’t be lazy in our faith and only ask for God’s help when we need it and the other days, we just ignore him.  NF says, “God is not a crutch, you can’t use Him when you wanna/ You only look to heaven when you goin’ through some drama/ And when they goin’ through some problems and that’s the only time they call Him.”  He then says that he doesn’t understand that life because he is all in until the day he dies.

            This is a great song and I would recommend it to everyone.  If you ever want to listen to meaningful music, TobyMac is the place to look.

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Image result for toby mac and the diverse city band

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