Friday, November 18, 2016

Women in Animation

     A few weeks ago, we discussed women in animation.  As an aspiring female animator, this hit home for me.  I’ve experienced the atmosphere of an animation studio, and I can confirm that the majority is made up of men.  I loved watching the films made by women, because they expressed something men couldn’t begin to describe.  In the studio, though, I didn’t feel any amount of male dominance besides in numbers and I’m grateful for that.  The few women I met were very confident and easily spoke their minds and explained their ideas.  Although there aren’t a lot of women represented, their voices don’t go unheard.  We can bring a whole new perspective to stories, and I’m glad that women aren’t suppressed in the larger studios.  I see the small population of women as a strength, because that just makes their words even more meaningful.  I’m excited to represent my gender within the animation world one day.  I’ll be in the minority, but ultimately that makes me strong and even more passionate.  Female animators are a rarity, but they add so much beautiful detail to each film, that the movies would look totally different if they were made exclusively by men.   

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