Monday, November 28, 2016

Inner Workings


      I went to see Moana on Saturday night and before the film played, the short Inner Workings was shown.  We watched some shorts in class, and I didn’t even know they were a thing.  Like I have seen a bunch of the movies and stuff but I didn’t even know they put out a short film before the major motion pictures until we watched them in class.

     So I got to see the brand new short, and I really enjoyed it!  It’s about a guy named Paul that has a really boring life, like the same pattern of a work day over and over again.  He works at Boring, Boring & Glum.  The short depicts the guy’s brain and heart, and they keep fighting, because Paul’s heart is telling him to go have fun, dance in the shower, eat a humongous breakfast, and go to the beach.  But Paul’s brain is telling him to just be careful, don’t have any fun, and just do his boring job (which is at a desk, hitting a button and looking at paperwork). 

     It’s really funny, and when the brain is telling Paul not to do any of the fun stuff, it’s saying he will wind up dead if he has all this fun.

     During his lunchbreak, the brain finally gives the heart what it wants (lol) and lets Paul have all the fun that he wants.  The thing ends with everyone in his work dancing, even the bosses.

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