Friday, November 18, 2016

The End of my First Semester: Intro to DMA Edition

            As this is my last post, I would just like to comment on the class and my overall favorite parts and pieces of the class.  First off, my motive to participate in this class was not very high and I just wanted to sleep all the time honestly.  As the classes went on and we were talking more and more over different pieces and aspects of media.  The first thing that really caught my attention was the C.S. Lewis section when we looked at children’s media and how we feed our younger population.  It was very interesting to see how he incorporated different aspects into his work that was also helpful for children. 
            One of my other favorites was Co Hoedeman’s Sand Castle animated film about the sand person who was made out of sand, then made other sand people and commanded them to do different things.  I thought this compared to the story in Genesis when God created Adam and Eve from dust, just like sand.  In class, Professor Leeper told us that all of us would see the film different from each other and I thought that was cool to have many people think different things about one video.
            When we were talking about women and their work in the field, it was interesting to hear from the girls in our class and see how they perceived it.  If I’m not mistaken, it was different from the boy’s thoughts.  There were multiple films we looked at with all different opinions and it showed how the girls perceived life.  I forget the name, but the piece that the artist had her own self naked and then drew over it, was very interesting to listen to the discussion after. 
            My favorite part of the whole year was the Disney shorts, especially Geri’s Game.  I thought was pretty funny and had an enjoyable time watching that film and many more shorts by Disney.
            The only part I could have gone without was all of the negative talk about the politics.  I posted on that and explained that even though the presidency is important, we still need to look to God and trust in him.  Nebuchadnezzar was not a great king, but God eventually helped him and Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will.”  We will just have to pray and watch where God takes this country.

            All in all, the class wasn’t so bad, I liked being able to write about whatever media I wanted to and expressing my opinion on whatever subject I wanted to.  The weird thing I found out throughout the semester is that I really liked to blog and I could write five in a night and wouldn't hesitate to do this over other homework.  I was able to express myself in a way I never have before.  It think I will strangely miss blogging.  Thank you for a good first semester DMA class and Professor Leeper.  Everyone have a great rest of the semester and year!!

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Image result for college memes about finishing one semester

Image result for college memes about finishing one semester

Image result for college memes about early classes

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