As I have earlier stated that I have a huge love for historical fiction. Recently I have begun to watch the series The Americans. The FX original series first aired in 2013. It is the story of two KGB spy's that have been planted in the United States, how long they have been there we are not told but it is long enough to have successfully created an upstart business and have two children. So approximately 15 years of deep cover in the D.C. area. Our story takes place right after Reagan is elected into office. He then signs Executive Order 12333 giving the USA intelligence divisions more freedom and specifically allowed the NSA to collect unencrypted data online without needing special permission. This show does a very good job of showing us what it was like being on the other side of the Red scare. Seeing how the main characters struggle with staying loyal to the motherland or giving in and becoming rich and traitors. Seeing how well these spies blended in with the American people really sheds light on how afraid we were back in 1981. So far I am pleased with the show and I can't wait to see where the story takes us!
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