Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We have missed the point...

Today in class, I realized how messed up Catholics and Protestants are. I feel like many of these churches walked away from what Jesus meant in the Bible. The whole point of going to church is to experience a spiritual growth. Unfortunately, these churches have distorted the Gospel, so spiritual growth is basically nonexistent.

Catholics want everything to follow a pattern. People have to stand up, pray, sit down, listen, pray again, sing, and walk away. Some people do not grow spiritually because Christianity is not about following a pattern, but to stand up against a sinful world and gain people for Christ.

Protestants have so many denominations within Christianity such us Calvinism, Lutherans, Baptists, Evangelism and more. Perhaps, the most dangerous denomination is the Pentecostal movement because they offer an empty spiritual growth and a distorted gospel which affects those who do not fully understand Christianity. It is more about emotions than a pure life offered to God. Their prosperity gospel consists on gaining material prosperity instead of spiritual prosperity. Because of their preaching, people believe salvation is gain by works causing a shallow faith and a weak relationship with God. These people forget that the true meaning of Christianity is to live according to Christ´s will and not based on how much material things one can get.

I admire those missionaries who left their families, friends, and everything behind in order to follow Jesus. They have taken their crosses and follow Christ besides the circumstances of life and money. They understood that following God is not about following a pattern or screaming "hallelujah" in front of a spiritless audience. They knew better that religion is nothing, and what really matters is a true relationship with God.

1 comment:

  1. If you read C.S. Lewis, you'll find that habit and ritual can actually be very conducive to spiritual growth. That is dependent, of course, on whether or not the person wants to grow. It's very possible for someone to simply perform an empty routine and go through the motions, but if you truly want to grow, it is definitely possible.
