Monday, November 28, 2016

Why I love Video Games

One of my favorite video games was original The Legend of Zelda. It was the whole reason I wanted to make videogames. It was a game that literally gave you nothing but a wooden sword to begin with. You had to use your imagination as you played it. It did not have the fancy graphics of Skyrim, and because of that you had to fill in the gaps with your imagination. Every sword swing, enemy, and attack, you had to use imagination to fill in the gaps. When I first played the game, I found it closely resembling my life. Especially when I heard the original inspiration for the game. Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of the game, based the game from his “adventures” as a kid, breaking into people’s backyards and playing make-believe. I had done the same things as a kid, although, I did take it a step further because I used to not only jump around people’s backyards, I would often break into their houses (this was before I knew it was a bad thing to do), sometimes I would rearrange furniture and I once tore out a neighbor’s garden gnomes and placed them around her house. The best part about the game was that it did not need a story. You were given this world and you made your own adventure through imagination, until you got to the end to find out you needed to save a princess all along. My favorite part of the game, which rarely any games(other than indie games sometimes) have today, is that once beaten the game thanks you for playing and putting the work you did into it.

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