Thursday, November 24, 2016


When I was in grade school, my computer teacher introduced us to this children's software called Scratch. The best way I can describe it is "coding for kids". You could draw your own subjects and backgrounds and program them with premade functions that you can combine into sequences to create a simple form of interactive media. It was one of the strangest and best things I had come across at that point on my life. After spending some time fiddling with it at school, I had successfully made a simple game I titled "Fly Guy". The player controlled a fly and had to avoid a piece of crumpled paper that moved randomly across the screen. I was so proud of that game that I downloaded Scratch to my own computer and had my teacher email the game file to me. Alas, the little game is gone forever, but Scratch is still available as a downloadable program and has become a community website where you can publicly display your works.

Recent doodle of the titular fly of the game I made.

1 comment:

  1. this is pretty cool and i might look into it because it seems like something that would be beneficial to some of us.
