Monday, November 14, 2016

Black Mirror: Advanced Technology At It's Worst

Recently, I have stumbled upon a show on Netflix that has really engaged my sense of how I use technology. Technology is all around us, and grows in an ever changing market and industry. Black Mirror, referring to the black screen of a deactivated device, dives deeper into the conundrum of how far is too far with technology. I'm going to do a couple more posts on this subject, because this series runs as an anthology and analyzes the negatives of advanced technology. The first episode of the series, National Anthem, is something I deeply connected with due to the recent election, even though it's based in England. The episode delves into how the media portrays political figures and their responsibilities, leading to the main character committing a malicious act on live T.V. in order to save the daughter of the Queen from a group of kidnappers. People watched as he did this act, almost rooting it on, but in the end they were disgusted by the result of what was shown on T.V. Even in the end, the questions of why this act was committed became convoluted and did not even address to the real problem at hand and that was security. The media's portrayal of certain figures can disguise the real problems in hand and instead lead to discussions that in the end have no meaning or solution to the problem at hand. In that way, I feel the media may have greatly effected the recent election especially with the portrayal of certain political figures.

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