Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Man In The Mirror

Michael Jackson is known for many things. Some things very bad, some very good. One of the good things he has done for this world is create music and to inspire. When he passed away back in 2009, i heard for the first time, "Man In The Mirror." I always knew the really popular ones like "Bad", "Billie Jean", and "Beat It" but when i first heard "Man In The Mirror", I was pretty surprised. I never knew that a man like Michael Jackson would sing something like that. In the song, he sings about making a change in the world and to look at yourself to make that change. Michael Jackson was very active in Africa when he was alive and he even sings about being in love with a lady from Liberia in his song, "Liberian Girl." which no one was singing about back in the 80s. Different story though.

 The song really is a motto i like to live by because change starts with you and you alone. If you don't like what you are doing or you don't have purpose, you gotta stop and look into your heart and find it. In the song, he is singing and calling us out to do better in the world. If you don't make a change to yourself and into the world, then who will. If you believe in yourself and believe in what you are doing, people will see that and that can make a big impact on anyone.
Image result for michael jackson

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