Monday, December 5, 2016

Video Games Story-telling (2 of 2)

In this one I'm going to talk more about playing a game were you almost playing a movie.
I talking about undertale, this game is a movie with a bunch of ending. Pacifist, True Pacifist, Genocide, or Neutral, all these ending have a deep story to them (if you haven't played the game I recommend it). The main idea of the game is your a human kid who fell in the underground. you go to the first door you see and a flower is there to greet you his name is Flowey. He wants to show you how this world works he shoots some "friendliness pellets" that he wants you to grab. You grab one and drop to 1 HP he tells you in this world its "kill or be killed" then as he about kills you Toriel, a goat like monster in the underground comes and saves you. She teaches you how the underground works not combat but the puzzles and tricks in the ruins. Here is where your first choice is made if you kill everything in the ruins till when you enter combat it says "and no one came" you start the genocide, or you if you don't kill anything your on your way to the pacifist. This game has a lot of choices that have to be made do you kill or not do you become friends with monsters or their enemy. but everything goes in the same order no matter how many times you play.
This is a way different way of telling a story then Shadow of the Colossus you start to feel for the characters you want to help them. But there is still that side of you that's curious you want to know what happened if you killed all of them instead. So you start over and kill everyone so no one is left in the underground. after you do that you are left with a question... Erase the world or reset. if you Erase the world you game crashes if you open it back up it says "you erased this world why do you want to go back" It lets you play again the only difference is that the true Pacifist ending changes. Or you can reset the character (I won't say the name because spoiler) they feel betrayed they were with you on this killing spree then they kill you game crashes and you can start a new game and same changes are there to the True Pacifist. It shows that the world will come back and bite you in the butt. I love this game and with this a Shadow of the Colossus it shows that games can have interesting stories if some love and hard work is put into them.
Image result for undertale

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