Tokyo Godfathers is an exceptionally made animated film. The
film is based around three homeless people living Tokyo, who find a baby
abandoned in a dumpster. The trio then set out to find the child’s parents
after much reluctance from Uncle Bag, who wants to keep the baby and raise her.
The trio set out on somewhat of a comical misadventure. The movie revolves
around a kind of surrogate family theme. The trio act like a dysfunctional
family that does not need to be related to each other. As they search for the
baby’s family, each of them end up going through a kind of spiritual journey where
they learn to accept what has befallen them in their pasts. The nativity scene
is a recurring theme in the movie as the child is referred to as a miracle by
the trio because of how lucky she was to be found, the song sung by a church
quire at the beginning of the film that plays mostly around the baby, the “angle”
that appears when one of the trio is left beaten severally and left in an ally
but reveals herself to be a drag queen. The ending of the movie made the film
perfect as it did not show the big resolve to the trio, because the directors
knew that their audience would be smart enough to figure it out. Although, not
showing the outcome of the trio’s story, but rather ending it with the hinting
to the resolve was a far better way to end it so as to keep the audience thinking
not just about the resolve, but also about the whole film.
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