ESPN produced a short called the schedule makers. It is
about Henry and Holly Stevenson, a husband team that made the schedule for the
MLB. They worked right out of their own home. This was back in the land of
landline phones, in which the had a normal phone as well as business phone.
Baseball had Harry Simons draw up the schedule for them. He did it for years
and was very successful. It got to the point to where he could no longer do it
at a successful rate. They developed a computer-generated schedule, that they
could add or remove games. They started this in 1982 and did it until 2005.
When the league wanted to go high tech, so they replaced them with a computer. Henry
was the baseball genius, the architecture behind it. Holly was a great number
cruncher. They made baseball amazing because they made the games and knew stuff
no computer can know.

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