Saturday, December 10, 2016


Last fall I began watching CBS’s Supergirl, after watching the first few episodes I was pleased with the casting of Supergirl. The actress who plays both Kara Danvers and Supergirl portrays the role with the vulnerability that Kara Danvers has and determination that Supergirl has. The character was written to be strong, capable, upbeat, and not above making mistakes. The show's tone is more hopeful and cheerful rather than dark, and gritty that’s seen in Snyder’s Superman films. Some Supergirl’s finest moments were when she was using her tenacity and wit to overcome an obstacle, instead of punching her way through it. I think a fundamental flaw they made was introducing the Department of Extra-Normal Operations (DEO). Having Supergirl’s actions be orders doesn’t allow her to do her job if she’s always answering to a higher power. In many cases, Supergirl was disrupted by Department of Extra-Normal Operations while trying to defeat the enemy. Having the DEO does not allow Supergirl to make her own choices and suffer the consequences as any hero would have to do, and then learn from her mistakes. After watching season one, for the most part, I enjoy the show and I am excited to see where they take it in the second season.

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