say that their friends are their power, or the say this isn't my final form. Its more of a thing in anime but its in comics to when the character would die the get resurrected. Now I won't say its bad if you have a main character you don't want them to die right away. But there are some points its not so good. Its a topic people throw around when they think a character should die but end up pulling something out of nowhere to finish the fight. But there are many way to get around it in some shows
there is no such thing as a safe character Akame Ga Kill anyone can die no matter what, Game of Thrones no one is safe in that world (according to what people have told me). There are ways to avoid plot armor I dont mind that its there as long as it doesn't draw way the crowd.
I will say often times though in an attempt to "Avoid plot armor," shows like Arame Ga Kill and Game of Thrones often simply kill characters to keep up the charade that there isn't any plot armor or for simple shock value,