Saturday, December 10, 2016

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones is about a young woman who has super strength, but has been tormented all her life by a mind controller named Killgrave. The story goes deeper into her connection to Killgrave and the negative effects he had on her life, and how she is still recovering from the inconsolable damage he has caused to her. The story really brings out some interesting commentary on how someone can really attach themselves to another and be almost destroyed because of it. In Jessica's case it was not by her own will, but you can still see the damage that her villain caused to her. In some ways we can reflect on how our attachment to people or things can really bring us into dark places. Jessica's story is really about addiction in some senses to things and to people. If we do not stop being addicted to certain things, then we will only bring about our demise. Jessia witnesses the deep addiction of others to Killgrave through how he has corrupted other women, and it makes it even harder for her to be able to manage. Then, with sheer will, she was able to defeat the man who brought her down and tore down the barriers that she had put up.

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