Sunday, December 11, 2016

Inside Out

Inside Out is an inside look of the brain. Inside out is kind of an old movie now but it quite interesting all together. This idea of that we have these special memories that make up who we are and memories that yeah are good but don’t make up much. This idea is curious to me because I don’t believe I agree with it. There are not specific memories in my life that make up who I am, it’s all my memories that make up who I am.  I didn’t just have just four experiences and boom that’s the end, I have multiple and most of them are bad.

Unlike the movie, I guess these experiences that make up who I am today aren’t all good, they are all honestly bad. I get where they were going with it I suppose but I don’t like how much it was focused on being happy like it’s not okay to feel any other emotion. This whole movie is about the “happy” emotion trying to prevent the other emotions from doing anything which I think is dumb to teach a child. Emotions aren’t a bad thing; the world keeps trying to teach children and adults that it is. God created emotions for a reason even if they don’t feel so great, they are a way to process through what’s going on in your life, pretending and avoiding your emotions isn’t going to get you anywhere. I just have well I guess you could say mixed emotions about film. 

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