Monday, December 5, 2016

Django Unchained

Django Unchained
            Django Unchained is a story about a slave, named Django. The story takes place during the 1850’s. Django is a black slave and the story tracks his life through slavery. He comes across a white bounty hunter named Dr. King Shultz. Shultz buys Django from a group of slave holders he encounters on the road. Django tells Shultz about his wife who is at a farm called Candyland. Shultz teaches Django how to shoot and we see their journey to rescue his wife. The movie is directed by Quinton Tarantino which means the movie has a gruesome humor to it. Leonardo DiCaprio Makes an appearance and his acting is flawless. The scene where he shatters the glass was completely improvised and he actually cut his hand pretty severely.  He felt that it added to his character so he bared the pain and continued the scene. He doesn’t break character once. It is a beautiful display of DiCaprio’s acting abilities. Overall, I give this movie a 9 out of 10. The action was suspenseful, but the story seemed to jump from here to there at points a little to quickly.

1 comment:

  1. i have never seen this movie but it sounds good from what you are saying.
